

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Card Cookies

Here are some cute cookies I made for a local ladies bridge group.

These were a nice mix of simple and hand painted cookies.

The simple cookies are just white flood icing and red/black piping icing. At the last minute, I added some nice dot details to give them a little something special.

The hand painted ones are white flood icing, black/red piping icing dot border, hand painting with food coloring, silver pearl dust painting and white pearl dust dusting {phew}.

To paint with food coloring, just take a few drops of gel food coloring and mix it with a few drops of water. It will be a "watercolor consistency". You have a to be a little bit careful about the amount of water you use, because you don't want to gouge your cookie. With a little bit of practice it is a fairly easy technique.

The pearl dust is a Wilton product, it is my new favorite (expect to see it on pretty much every cookie from here on out). It comes in a ton of colors and you can use it to give your cookies a nice glittery dusting or mix it with a little vodka/everclear/clear extract and paint with it (like the club outline).

The cookies were an Orange Vanilla Cardamom cookie from SweetAmbs. It is a realllly fantastic cookie (my older sister's favorite). And worth the price to download from her website at $1.99.

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